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Tragic Death of Mr. Elie Sajea Karam

Elie KaramThe early morning of Friday 25 November 2022 brought shocking news to JLSS. The tragic death of Mr. Elie Sajea Karam of a massive heart attack during his sleep was extremely difficult to believe. Everyone was stunned with this most unexpected news.
This energetic healthy and highly spirited young man, who was only married last August, was in the prime of his age.
Only hours earlier he was energetically doing his job at school overseeing the safety of children as they arrive and leave school.
He was helping others meet the demands of the daily routine of school-life, spreading his enthusiasm and dedication wherever he went.
It was unbelievable news that was extremely difficult to fathom, yet it was the stark reality of life striking its most painful blow to JLSS, his family, friends, and loved ones.
He will be greatly missed!
Not many people these days when they depart leave a vacancy that cannot be filled.
Elie Karam was one of those rare committed and highly disciplined people who are impossible to replace.
He was extremely dedicated, disciplined to the utmost, and highly committed to perfectly do his job.
These traits of Elie are the most important requirements for ensuring the safety of children.
He did his job, year after year, without losing his zeal to perfect his work. His discipline was only comparable to the military. This is how he kept our children safe for almost seventeen years.
JLSS lost a highly dedicated and loved member of its staff.
It will not be the same for us all in JLSS without him.
His love of JLSS and dedication to the Catholic church to which he belonged and served, are the source of some consolation to us through this very difficult time.
We express our most sincere condolences to his wife, grandmother/mother who raised him, father, brother, and all his family and friends.
The Lord is Risen!


من آمن بي وإن مات فسيحيا

مدرسة يوحنا لودفك شنلر تنعي بمزيد من الأسى واللوعة فقيدها الغالي المأسوف على شباب

ايلي سجيع كرم

يحتفل بالصلاة لراحة نفسه في تمام الساعة الثانية من بعد ظهر يوم السبت الواقع فيه ٢٦ تشرين الثاني ٢٠٢٢
وذلك في كنيسة مار الياس للروم الملكيين الكاثوليك خربة قنافار


ولكم من بعده طول البقاء

نتمنى على الجميع المشاركة للوقوف مع العائلة في مصابها الأليم

Schneller School Name in Arabic
Johann Ludwig Schneller Schule

Education for Peace since 1860